I listened to the latest Swedish parliamentary debate between Swedish MP Elsa Widding and the Swedish minister of social affairs / public health Jacob Forssmed from November 29, 2024. Forssmed does not respond to the criticism presented from the North Group's announcement about the risks of the DNA contamination and the scientific evidence on the matter. Northgroup requests a thorough investigation of the DNA contamination of the Covid mRNA injections and that they be suspended during the investigation or most of all are completely take away from use on the swedish public. You will find Northgroup's original pressrelease and fact sheets with references and their website below. Since the launch Ireland has also joined the Northgroup coalition. The Northgroup has expanded (USA and Australia) and is now a NorthSouthgroup at this point. More in the text below.
Northgroup alerts all northern health ministers of DNA contamination in mRNA injections
When Elsa Widding points out the lack of security and the lack of testing before launching the covid mRNA product, not much happens from Forssmed's side. Forssmed does not respond to Widding but throws nonsense claims at Elsa Widding and calls the scientific evidence from the Northgroup coalition unscientific claims and misinformation.
Researcher and Professor Phillip Buckhault intended to verify if Kevin McKernan's original research was correct on the matter of the DNA contamination of Covid mRNA injections. Buckhault came up with the same results as McKernan - it shows the research is replicable and reliable. Phillip Buckhault was invited to the US Senate in South Carolina to present these scientific findings at that time.
“Let me share a particularly frightening finding from Professor Buckhaultz's research. This contamination is not only present, it is integrated into natural human DNA. Even worse, new studies, this one by Kevin and his crew, suggest that it can also replicate itself. I have to say that term again and slowly. Self-replicate. This is living independently. We are potentially dealing with a biogenic time bomb, a contamination that could alter human genomes with devastating consequences forever.” Julian Gillespie
Forssmed starts talking about other vaccines instead of going into the consequences of the DNA contamination in terms of public health and unforeseen risks for the population. It is not possible to reach Jacob Forssmed on the issue, he is building a wall around himself with statements that authorities always test and that the covid vaccines are safe and effective. Pfizer, for example, hid the information from authorities about excessive DNA contamination. If the swedish authorities had really tested and investigated the product independently before it was given to the swedish public, they would have found out about the DNA contamination at an early stage. Medical expert personnel within the Swedish Medicines Agency and the Public Health Agency would have known at an earlier stage how to handle such a discovery from a patient safety point of view.
The mRNA / modRNA covid injection preparations are classified as gene therapy by the FDA and EMA. Since the mRNA injection technology are genetic medical products, they should also have been tested for shedding in advance, as is otherwise done for genetic treatments used in healthcare. That testing was never done. Dr. Mercola reported earlier in 2024 that dementia now has become an infectious disease due to shedding of the Covid mRNA injections. Dementia has never before been a contagious disease.
Forssmed goes onto the fact that the people behind the mRNA technology received the Nobel Prize in Medicine and data from the WHO that the covid vaccine saved 1.4 million lives within the EU. But he doesn't seem to know that a while ago it was declared in the EU parliament that all covid vaccines are illegally approved and that the people behind the mRNA technology who received the Nobel Prize several years before Covid-19 pointed out the known risks with this medical mRNA technology - despite this they agreed to accept the Nobel Prize in Medicine. They should have declined to accept the award. The mainstream media is dead silent and doesn't do any independent research on the problems or has gotten into the patents where many of the problems we face were already known in advance.
Already in 2021, a Canadian political science study of 145 countries that used the covid "vaccines" showed that the covid injections increased the number of covid deaths by 463.13% and the spread of the sars-cov-2 infection by 260.88%. Kyle A. Beattie is a political science PhD student focusing on corruption studies. Steve Kirsch in the US has presented evidence that the Covid vaccine do not prevent hospitalizations or deaths. Already a long time ago, the debate flared up with a health data study which has since been confirmed by a scientific study about the negative efficacy of the covid injections - the more doses people received, the greater the risk of being infected by Sars-Cov-2. Everything Jacob Forssmed claims during the parliamentary debate on November 29, 2024 in terms of safety and effectiveness (preventing hospitalizations and death) can easily be refuted.
Based on the fact that Jacob Forssmed cannot respond to the criticism in a scientific way or even provide one piece of scientific evidence from authorities of the opposite shows his clear disinterest, nonchalance and incompetence on the matter. He has no idea what the issue is about in the long run. DNA contamination of Covid mRNA injections increases the risk of cancer, autoimmune diseases, genetic mutations and heart attacks - fatal and disabling conditions. This makes one wonder if one should even have people in political ministerial positions in health and healthcare who are not properly trained in medicine or public health science. A minister in public health and/or healthcare should be able to act independently from the influence of the pharmaceutical industry. A minister responsible for health initiatives must be able to act with reasonable scientific integrity on matters of health, disease and public health. Forssmed does not act independently scientifically in the matter. He cannot respond to the scientific findings that exist about the DNA contamination. When Elsa Widding clarifies that districts in Australia withdrew the Covid mRNA product due to DNA contamination Jacob Forssmed claims that it is not be true. It is downright unpleasant to see how ill-informed Forssmed is. He does not know what DNA contamination means and why it is important to investiagte the matter and as Elsa Widding recommends that they are stopped temporarily until the matter is researched by independent investigators and that the investigation is transparent. The questions Elsa Widding requests to be investigated are how often the integration of DNA into human cells occurs and how serious the effects will be in the long run in terms of deteriorating public health and increased disease in relation to excess mortality ( example from EU parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic: Iceland 83% vaccination coverage has 55.8 % excess mortality, Bulgaria with 30% vaccination coverage has 1.4% excess mortality) since the introduction of the experimental genetic covid injections. The reason why the issue of DNA contamination is so important is because the limit values have been exceeded 145 times in number according to Elsa Widding's reporting in Sweden. Elsa Widding reminds Jacob Forssmed that no previous medical product has had as many reported side effects and that the mortality rate of Covid-19 increased with the mass vaccination against Covid-19. Elsa Widding also raises the issue that, in accordance with the Nuremberg Convention, people may not be drawn into medical experiments without their knowledge or approval (free and informed consent). Jacob Forssmed looks uncomprehending about what is being presented. Jacob Forssmed believes that he feels safe with the covid vaccine. Knowing about a vaccine and not being properly informed (or just in denial) about the irregularities in the pharmaceutical industry and military involvement that has been reported from the United States is of little help. Jacob Forssmed is not really telling the truth about covid vaccination being completely voluntary in Sweden. People who work in healthcare or who have undergone healthcare training have encountered work-related problems if they abstained. Sweden introduced vaccine passports and prevented unvaccinated people from certain social activities. Dr. Sture Blomberg has reported on his blog that doctors who openly criticized the covid vaccine had work-related problems. A truly free and informed consent has never existed in Sweden. Sweden only handed out a health declaration for people to fill in before the covid vaccination. No one has been informed that they were initially included in a phase 3 clinical study when the mass vaccination started, and this requires free and fully informed consent. No one has been informed that if they take the mRNA injection they must henceforth have protected sex. The Covid vaccine has been an undemocratic means as freedom of expression has been clearly limited for doctors and people who have debated on social media. Nor was anyone given correct information that mRNA injections do not prevent the spread of infection or from becoming infected. The state used the concept of vaccine about the mRNA injections based on previous paradigms about vaccines as a means of propaganda.
An independent health economic analysis in relation to the health risks is needed on a societal level.
Long-term use of these modRNA/mRNA injections is harmful. It is not only the DNA contamination that is the issue. The body has a DNA dosage limit. Associate professor Michael Palmer who is part of the Doctors 4 Covid Ethics network in Germany has explained them to be as dangerous as overtreatment with cancer drugs - it is deadly. Michael Palmer has also become familiar with the fact that there are design flaws in these genetic covid injections that Robert Malone should have warned the world about at an earlier stage but he did nothing. Senator Paul Rand in the United States questions Robert Malone's credibility because Malone has too close ties to the CIA.
Sweden has no protective public health law that protects the population against industrial - or government and authority abuses on health matters and that you should be able to prosecute them based on that. There is no protective legislation against abuse from the WHO, the UN or the World Economic Forum that states in the US have already introduced. A lawyer has produced a legal framework against gloablists that needs to be implemented and made usable.
A health economy analysis is needed to weigh the risk benefit balance of the use of the covid injections. For example, England has recently withdrawn the use of the Covid vaccine for pregnant women based on a health economy analysis and because the Covid vaccine has no proven infection protection effect. The Sars-Cov-2 virus is not considered sufficiently dangerous for pregnant women and their fetuses. It has been concluded that COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women will only be cost-effective if the cost of procuring and administering the vaccines could be kept between £10.07 and £13.19 (£12.74-$16.69) per shot. It is considered "highly unlikely" to be feasible.
I tried to send correct information to Jacob Forssmed through X about the districts in Australia that withdrew the Covid mRNA injections due to. DNA contamination but he has removed his account from X (later addition and correction Jacob Forssmed is still on X must have encountered a temporary technical error on X ). Here you can read about the two districts in Australia that withdrew the Covid mRNA injections and the arguments for it:
Testing inconsistencies: The TGA uses, and allows manufacturers to use, methods that result in over-measuring the mod-RNA, and under-measuring synthetic DNA in the vaccines.
Lack of consideration of the impact of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs): Current regulatory limits for residual DNA were set for naked DNA, which has a short half-life in the body. The regulators have not considered the significance of residual DNA packaged in LNPs being transported around the body and deposited into cells.
Lack of safety testing: Vaccines were approved without tests for the risks of cancer or genomic integration arising from foreign synthetic DNA in LNPs.
SV40 enhancer/promoter in the Pfizer vaccine: A known gene therapy tool, this DNA sequence was not disclosed to regulators by Pfizer prior to provisional approvals. The SV40 enhancer/promoter is used to draw material into the nucleus of cells, increasing the aforementioned risks of cancer and genomic integration.
No investigation: The TGA has dismissed independent findings of high levels of residual synthetic DNA in the mod-RNA Covid vaccines and the related risks, but has not contacted any of the scientists to discuss their work, nor has it addressed concerns raised by these experts about the current regulatory guidelines and testing procedures.
The Swedish Doctors Appeal shared the parliamentary debate from November 29 on X made these remarks: "Here you can see today's parliamentary debate between the independent Swedish MP Elsa Widding and the Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed regarding the letter that 10 Northern European countries sent to their heads of government and social ministers on November 25. In the letter, 432 experts from 21 countries demand an immediate end to the use of mRNA covid vaccines due to the extreme incidence of side effects and the strong suspicion that the vaccine may affect human DNA. The Minister of Social Affairs does not answer a single one of Elsa Widding's questions and we perceive him as completely brainwashed. It's incredibly scary, he seems instrumental. In addition, Jakob Forssmed concludes by falsely claiming that Elsa Widding's statement that the mRNA covid vaccine has been stopped in parts of Australia "is not correct". We can inform the Minister of Social Affairs that Elsa Widding is absolutely right, this has happened in Port Hedland, and we would like to add that these vaccines have been stopped in more western countries, for example in Idaho's largest healthcare region, the Southwest Region. We recommend that instead of listening to the Minister of Social Affairs, you carefully consider the arguments that Elsa Widding presents in this interpellation debate." The parliamentary debate can also be viewed from the Parliament's website in Swedish.
The parliamentary debate between Elsa Widding and Jacob Forssmed on Youtube with english subtitles.
Here is the correct information about the Southwest Idaho Health Care District removing the covid vaccine from all clinics. The hearing and voting is included.
The problem with the DNA contamination of the Covid mRNA injections has been highlighted here on patientmakt before. I will again show previous information for those who missed it. This latest swedish debate about the DNA contamination means that one may have to see the information again in a new context with additional other information.
Part 4 in a series by associate professor and civil engineer Tomas Persson on DNA contamination and parasites: It has been warned that mRNA injections are similar to gene therapy that can change the human genome and there are studies that show the risk of this [1-3] .
However, the risks are played down by the mainstream media [4] and fact-checkers [5] who state that the study by Alden [1] only shows that reverse transcription has occurred, not that mRNA is introduced into the human genome.
However, analyzes of the Covid-19 injections have not found any biological material, which mRNA was expected to be [6]. Absence of nitrogen or phosphorus in the injection fluid has also been reported by Daniel Nagase [7, 8], indicating the absence of biological material.
Thus, it does not seem that the mRNA injections are precisely "messenger RNA" as it has been said, but that the mRNA injections in fact contain modified RNA (modRNA) [9, 10].
This is crucial, as messenger RNA degrades very quickly in the body with an average lifespan of between 1 and 3 minutes according to Wikipedia [11], in contrast to modRNA which exhibits exceptional possibilities for editing the human genome [12].
The FDA's label for Pfizer's Covid-19 injection [12] states that the substance contains modRNA, which is also stated on Pfizer's website [13] (Figure 1). A peer-reviewed article [14] states that the principle of action of COVID-19 mRNA injections corresponds to the definition of gene therapy products, but that they have been exempted from gene therapy product regulations by the regulatory authorities in the United States.
Daniel Santiago [15] points out that since nitrogen and phosphorus seem to be missing from the covid injections, something that is included in most proteins and biological life and that should be included as part of mRNA, this indicates that the content is XNA (synthetic DNA) and that the purpose may actually be creating genetically modified humans. What would be the purpose of genetically modified humans we can only speculate about.
Unlike human DNA, synthetic genetic material can be patented [16] and if patent-compliant DNA were to be produced, it is possible that the patentee could claim ownership or patent infringement according to a stark warning from Chinda Brandolino [17] who also claims that a person with altered genes does not receive protection under human rights.
However, fact-checkers conclude that this is unthinkable and that US law prohibits patents involving the human organism [18]. However, Chile has enacted a law prohibiting employment discrimination in the labor market against people with mutations [19, 20].
Stefan Oelrich who is the head of Bayer Pharmaceuticals admits that the Covid-19 injections are gene therapies when during the opening ceremony of the World Health Summit 2021 , he says that the covid pandemic made people willing to take a gene therapy [21]:
"If we had surveyed two years ago if people were willing to take gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body we would have probably had a 95% refusal rate."
Recent deep sequencing of Pfizer's and Moderna's Bivalent Covid-19 injection [22-28] shows levels of Plasmid DNA that are 18-70 times higher than what is normally allowed [29]. The DNA material is said to be antibiotic-resistant genes which are said to be able to create extended nail protein production, antibiotic resistance and altered intestinal flora [23].
Palmer and Gilthorpe [30] discuss the significance of the findings and state that in some cases plasmid molecules will be integrated into one of its host cell's chromosomes, and it will then be inherited by all descendants of that cell, which means a genotoxic risk and that DNA can be integrated into the genome of human host cells.
Dr. Trozzi also explains in a video that dangerous mechanisms can be expected from the DNA content [31].
Fact checkers [32, 33] downplay the risks of DNA contamination and believe that the risk of implementation in the human genome is theoretical. In addition, the fact checker believes that the contamination is deliberate constitutes a conspiracy theory with no basis in reality [33]. A comprehensive review of the DNA contamination is given in reference [34].
According to Robert Malone [35], the DNA fragments are associated with a high risk of integration into the human genome. These findings of Plasmid DNA also claim that the injections should be listed as gene therapy according to the criteria on the FDA's website [36], something that is also discussed by Banoun [14] in relation to current regulations.
Sasha Latypova [37] states in an interview for the Epoch Times that the requirements placed on the manufacturers meant that only half of the mRNA content in the injection needed to be consistent with the declared code. The remaining part was allowed to be unknown and could be free sequences.
This gives an opportunity to design the mRNA injections as a weapon system [38] and in practice means a possible militarization of the Covid injections. Plasmid, mRNA and a protein delivered via nanoparticles enable gene editing with (CRISPR)/Cas9 technology [39].
Performed DNA sequencing [26] has also identified contamination with SV40 that promotes the implementation of plasmid DNA and thereby increases the risk of alteration of the human genome [40-42, 29] and increases the risk of cancer [43].
According to Igor Chudov [44], a recently published peer-reviewed article [45] has accidentally shown that part of the Covid-19 injection integrates into the human genome when they found genes specific to Pfizer's Covid-19 injection in human blood cells when investigating factors for long covid.
This can be seen as confirmation that the Covid injections can change the human genome and that Aldén's study from 2022 [1] should be taken seriously.
Experiments are now being carried out with mRNA injection fluid on cancer cells which establish that some of the mRNA injections are to some extent integrated into cancer cells [46-49]. Although these contaminated cells do not express all of the spike protein, but rather only a portion of it, the net effect is to irreversibly alter the injected DNA.
More studies are now needed to investigate the extent of the problem and its harmful effects.
Hybridization is the process of combining different varieties of organisms to create a hybrid. Karen Kingston reports how the Covid injection appears to be designed to achieve hybridization via transfection [50].
Transfection (eng. Transfection) is a term used for the intentional introduction of genetic material into cells in order to change the DNA in this way [51]. Transfection that introduces plasmid DNA into cells is an important technique for gene therapy [52].
Moderna's Patent US 10,703789 B2 [53] describes how Luciferase [54] facilitates transfection, and Luciferase also appears to be included in the Covid-19 injections, as humans have shown luminescent properties at the injection site and in blood vessels when illuminated with UV light [55, 56].
Fluorescent skin and hair after injection have also been noticed [57]. The luminescent properties of Luciferase [54] have also reportedly been exploited to reveal air travelers with false vaccination certificates [58].
Kingston, who studied the patents behind the mRNA technology, believes that they unequivocally qualify as a bioweapon [59-61]. Karen Kingston believes that the harmful effects and genotoxic effects of the Covid-19 injections even risk exterminating humanity [62].
In a vaccine nanotechnology patent regarding lipid nanoparticles encapsulating mRNA [63], the product is described as a weapon system:
"In some embodiments, the small molecule is a toxin" and "The toxin is from a chemical weapon, an agent of biowarfare".
Kingston also shows that the patents describe that the nanoparticles in mRNA vaccines are self -assembled and fully programmable , i.e. some form of biosynthetic computers or electromagnetic machines [64, 65]. A more detailed review of the patents behind the mRNA vaccine technology is given in this presentation [62].
Parasites in the Covid-19 injections
At least three doctors/scientists have found parasites in the injection fluid. Madej [66] (Figure 2) found parasites in injection fluid from Pfizer and Moderna that were reported to be similar to an immortal parasite named Hydra Vulgaris [67].
Franc Zalewski [68, 69] has identified a similar organism whose chemical constituents have been analyzed for aluminium, carbon and bromine indicating that it may be an artificial synthetic life form similar to Hydra Vulgaris.
RA Young [70] has done extensive studies of Pfizer Covid-19 injections and found what he terms "trypanosoma cruzi" parasite eggs which are said to be able to cause "acquired immune deficiency syndrome" or AIDS.
The findings have been met with silence by fact-checkers and the mainstream media. A scientific article [71] describes an aim of using Hydra Vulgaris as a carrier of mRNA for cancer treatment.
Love [72] has studied the scientific literature more deeply and believes that the introduction of the parasites aims to bypass the human immune system in order to install new technology in humans.
Genetically modified Hydra Vulgaris can also carry mRNA that can be spliced with human DNA, thus the parasites provide support for transfection, thus creating genetic changes [72], [73] (timestamp 9.30).
In summary, it can be stated that several independent studies identify DNA contamination in Covid-19 injections and show an increased risk of cancer and genetic changes (transfection). That the DNA contamination would be intentional is supported by the fact that the injections also contain Luciferase and parasites, which favor transfection.
Tomas Persson's text in its entirety with references.
If you look at what Associate Professor Tomas Persson investigated and the fact that Swedish authorities do not act, it indicates that the issue of the covid vaccine is authority and government corruption. In addition, the Covid mRNA injections are incompatible with the Swedish Act (2006:351 ) on genetic integrity, the section on gene therapy.
“This new video contains further evidence to support the facts presented by WHO whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger. Keep in mind that not all Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen bottles contain the same substances. This is a global experiment on humanity. Some mRNA vaccines are placebos, while others are designed to kill instantly or affect the mind and body. Ana Mihalcea MD, PhD says "The mRNA injections are a cover-up story for an artificial intelligence frequency-based gene editing system that is self-learning and can decide how to edit that human."
The American physician behind the A Midwestern Doctor blog has clarified that the DNA contamination of the Covid mRNA product means that people who are injected do not get rid of the Sars-Cov-2 virus but remain in a constant low-grade Sars-Cov-2 infection level where you constantly produce spike protein. People who are also unlucky enough to suffer from covid injection myocarditis lose the ability to form antibodies against the spike protein and have a prolonged and increased risk of producing more spike protein in the body (it is directly harmful). A Midwestern Doctor also clarifies, as Tomas Persson did, that DNA contamination leads to resistance to antibiotics. A Midwestern Doctor exemplifies the problem of antibiotic resistance based on Pfizer's Covid mRNA injection: “The Pfizer [vaccines] are 10 times higher in contamination with 1 DNA molecule per 350 mRNA. That is 1 replication-competent plasmid per 350 mRNA molecules and corresponds to billions of antibiotic-resistant plasmids injected per person with each injection”.
The Dr. Mercola blog has described the EMA and FDA were aware of the problem with the DNA contamination of the Covid mRNA product as early as 2023. “The highest level of DNA contamination found was 30%, meaning that almost a third of the contents of some vials were plasmid DNA , whose presence dramatically increases the likelihood of genomic integration and cancer. What this means, in plain English, is that the injections could potentially alter your DNA, something that vaccine manufacturers, health authorities and fact-checkers have vehemently denied and written off as "impossible". But here we are, with inconvenient facts staring us in the face again.” Feel free to read the entire article and experts are disappointed that the responsible authorities are silent. Alarming COVID Jab Contamination Shocks Scientists
Children's Health Defense has published scientific findings of the DNA contamination and risks on health concerns:
DNA Contamination in Vaccines: What Is It and Why Does it Matter? : "Through the lipid nanoparticles contained in the mRNA shots, the DNA fragments "have an open pass to every membrane in your body.", "it can initiate a powerful immune response — called an interferon response — which will aggressively seek out the harmful pathogen. This can create an overblown immune system response that could be a vector for autoimmune issues related to vaccine contamination.”
DNA Contamination in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Exceeded 500 Times Allowable Levels, Study Finds : “The researchers experimented with dissolving Comirnaty 's lipid nanoparticles . They found DNA impurity levels ranging from 360 to 534 times higher than the 10 ng (nanogram) per dose limit set by regulators globally.", "They cited the "risk of insertional mutagenesis," where foreign DNA segments disrupt normal gene sequences when inserted into the genome, possibly leading to mutations and associated diseases like cancer. Researchers like McKernan have already determined that DNA in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines includes the simian virus 40 (SV40) cancer-promoting gene and E. coli plasmid DNA sequences left over from the vaccine production process.”
Questions Remain After Australia Releases Data on COVID Vaccine DNA Contamination : "Philip Buckhaults, a cancer genome expert and professor at the University of South Carolina found Pfizer vials from 2023 had about 10 times less residual DNA than vials from 2020."
DNA Contamination in Pfizer Shots Could Transfer From Pregnant Mom to Fetus, Experts Suggest : "Both the plasmid DNA "backbone" and specific gene sequences have been detected, according to McKernan. The bacterial backbone itself could cause unintended immune reactions. For example, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a component of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria like E. coli, is a known endotoxin , according to immunologist, biologist and biochemist Jessica Rose, Ph.D. LPS can, in sufficient quantities, cause septic shock .”
'An Admission of Epic Proportions': Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines : ““This can result in the newly programmed cell reproducing and producing mRNA with the resulting spike proteins for an unknown time, potentially forever and even to the next generation .”, “DNA contamination includes that it can be very long-lasting, has the potential to be incorporated into a person's chromosomes and can cause inflammation.”
The World Council for Health has highlighted the DNA contamination issue in a similar way as other independent organisations have. WCH has clarified that the Covid mRNA product is a GMO product where there are different requirements for approval than for traditional vaccines. Such considerations have not been taken into account. “Informed consent for these products is impossible as the risks of the products have never been formally and transparently assessed by regulators and are not fully known. Independent assessment of the emerging and available evidence is that these products are extremely dangerous with implications for disease, death, transmission and inheritance.”
Everything that is reported on social media about DNA contamination and where doctors or others with equivalent medical expertise blog or vlog about the problems should, in the name of reasonableness, be included in the authorities' own environmental monitoring (including books that are published). Information and scientific articles that otherwise would not have reached the public come out very quickly from experts. That the authorities do not see this and react to the risks that are pointed out is embarrassing and only shows how the political establishment is stuck in bad prestige behaviour. Here below is a typical example of the problem where the Swedish Medicines Agency completely fails to surveil and comprehend why the covid vaccine should never have been given to pregnant women. "Conversation with the Swedish Medicines Agency - Old information, pregnant women and the elephant in the room". This presentation is in Swedish but please find a way to add a digital translation since the same problem is very likely in your own country.
Recently, pediatrician Håvard Skjærvik in Norway reported that since the introduction of the experimental covid injections, chromosomal abnormalities in newborns have increased by 30% in Norway and Down syndrome in newborns has increased by 37.5%. No man or woman of childbearing age should have been given these genetic injections or even a pregnant person. Naomi Wolf in the USA revealed based on Pfizer's own documentation that people should have been informed in advance that if you have taken Covid mRNA / modRNA you should not have unprotected sex. Steve Kirsch has also shown that the covid vaccines are counterproductive for pregnant women. They provide no infection protection effect and newborn children of covid vaccinated compared to unvaccinated mothers show: “The vaccine is a total shit show for pregnant women. We now know that Pfizer’s own study shows no infection benefit, but a stunning 4.2X higher rate of AESIs such as major congenital abnormalities and developmental delays in just the first 6 months after birth.”
More on the DNA contamination research:
DNA contamination: Covid mRNA can give heart attack, autoimmune response and cancer
It also needs to be stated the Swedish minister of social affairs / public health exclaimed during the parliamentary debate that autoimmune disease due to the DNA contamination is a conspiracy theory. How low can it go? He is medically incompetent. Below a post with a list of published scientific articles on the DNA contamination where cancer, autoimmune disease and genetic mutations are noted as side effects due to this DNA contamination.
The DNA contamination has also been proven in blood samples: