I am saving this post by Sonia Elijah just in case she puts it behind paywall in a few days. Her two part series she mentions she has written is currently behind paywall. I will after Sonias text add material from Kevin McKernans Substack where he published some research and reasons about it.
Sonia Elijah: Buckhaults: "Proof Plasmid DNA in mRNA vaccine modifies human genome"
Exactly one year ago, I published a 2-part investigative report detailing the contamination of mRNA shots with plasmid DNA and the cancer-promoting SV40 genetic sequence.
This highly concerning issue was uncovered not by any of the regulatory bodies but by Kevin McKernan, an independent genomics expert. While analyzing vials of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines in his lab in Boston, MA, McKernan discovered billions of fragments of plasmid DNA in both vaccines. Notably, the SV40 cancer-promoting genetic sequence was found in the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.
McKernan's discoveries were subsequently confirmed by other independent laboratories, including the one led by cancer genomics expert, Phillip Buckhaults, Ph.D., at the University of South Carolina. At first, Buckhaults dismissed McKernan's findings as "conspiracy" and set out to disprove them by conducting his own tests on the mRNA vials.
However, what he discovered confirmed McKernan’s bombshell findings- Buckhaults also found billions of tiny DNA fragments in Pfizer's mRNA vaccine.
On September 13, 2023, Buckhaults presented his evidence to the South Carolina Senate. The screenshot below is from one of the slides he displayed during the hearing.
Source: SC Senate Hearing - USC Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults
(Since the publication of my original report, the video of Buckhaults’ testimony has been censored by YouTube. The video sharing platform has removed it for violating its “Community Guidelines.”)
Fortunately, my original report contained an extract of the transcript from that hearing, which can be read below.
Buckhaults stated:
“I sequenced all the DNA that was in the vaccine and I can see what's in there and it's surprising that there's any DNA in there… I'm alarmed about the possible consequences of this both in terms of human health and biology, but you should be alarmed about the regulatory process that allowed it to get there! So, this DNA in my view, it could be causing some of the rare but serious side effects like death from Cardiac Arrest. There's a lot of cases now of people having suspicious deaths after the vaccine. It's hard to prove what caused it…This DNA is a plausible mechanism. This DNA can and likely will integrate into the genomic DNA of cells that got transfected with the vaccine…This is a real hazard for genome modification of long live sematic cells, like stem cells and it could cause theoretically- this is all a theoretical concern, but it's pretty reasonable, based on solid molecular biology that it could cause a sustained autoimmune tact toward that tissue. It's also a very real theoretical risk of future cancer in some people, depending on where in the genome this foreign piece of DNA lands.”
Back in September 2023, Buckhaults could only emphasize the theoretical concern that the “DNA can and likely will integrate into the genomic DNA of cells that got transfected with the vaccines.”
However, almost a year later, Buckhaults has horrifyingly proven in his lab- that plasmid DNA from the mRNA shots can integrate into the genome of normal cells.
Below is a screenshot of his post made today on X.
Sonias two part series is behind paywall on Substack. I will therefore instead share additional material from Kevin McKernans Substack where he shares scientific research about the DNA contamination.
”The initial vaccines that targeted Wuhan-1 spike protein have never provided lot to lot DNA sequencing quality control. They have never provided any evidence of transcriptional or translational fidelity of these pro-drugs. This is of utmost importance as the vaccines incorporated an error prone nucleotide known as N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) known to increase the transcriptional error rate to 250-300/Million or 1 error every 4,000 nucleotides (Chen et al). This translates into an error in every vaccine molecule synthesized and 14-34 trillion are injected with Pfizer and Moderna respectively. If the single molecule (Pacific Biosciences sequencing) assays used to estimate this error rate manifest in real human studies, this is an extraordinary degree of complexity.”
”Previous work demonstrated that the Pfizer and Moderna bivalent vaccines are contaminated with the expression vectors used to manufacture the mRNAs. While EMA documents suggest these double stranded DNAs (dsDNAs) are linearized, no data is provided to quantitate this important step. Linear plasmids are less replication competent than circular plasmids. With early estimates of billions of potentially contaminating molecules of DNA, even 99% efficient linearization reactions could still leave millions of replication competent plasmids behind.
The initial sequencing of the mRNA vaccines did not sequence deeply enough to ascertain the completeness of the linearization reaction. The initial sequencing survey of these vaccines also utilized a directional RNA-Seq library construction method that contained actinomycin D. This additive is used to suppress DNA amplification in the RNA-Seq method as it intercalates with DNA and suppresses DNA dependent RNA polymerase activity of many polymerases. Thus the original 1:350 -1:3000 DNA:RNA read count levels likely under estimate the level of plasmid contamination present in the Moderna and Pfizer bivalent vaccines.”
This makes me angry and sick everytime I learn something more about what they did to us. When we will get the chance to be healed? Will we ever be healed? My heart and soul aches for all of us vaccine injured. The worst thought is that children will have to go own w/out a mom. :(
Talk about a lethal injection, gene and DNA altering technology, graphene and nanotechnologies…my God, they can turn all those still alive into waking zombies with a flip of 5G. It’s not science-fiction anymore…imdb.com
Cell (2016) ⭐ 4.4 | Action, Adventure, Horror https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0775440/
Keep in mind, movies is where they show us the truth…a sort of pre-programming…of what is to come…Watch the film….
When a mysterious cell phone signal causes apocalyptic chaos, an artist is determined to reunite with his young son in New England.