X is not a free speech platform even if it is claimed to be so by the latest buyer and he said he would keep to different countries laws.
X is not a free speech platform. Deleting followers. Deleting citizen journalism posts. Deleting important posts. Making it harder to search. X is lame as many others have already noted.
Recently I have tried to find fomer X postings about One Health and the globalist take over. X also deleted the correct science on the IFR rate for Sars-Cov-2 I posted several times. Also former X postings about Gates and the project W I T H I N in collaboration with the World Economic Forum from 2018 was also deleted on X (it had references). Gates wants 7 billion people vaccinated for his project for mind control. It sounds nuts but I can still pick up some former postings by Truth Social explaining it with WHO whistleblower Astrid Stuckelberger. Not long a ago in the latest hearing for the WHO Pandemic Treaty GAVI argumented to have the treaty legally binding with forced and continuous vaccinations.
I have free speech within the bounds of the law in my country as long as it does not breech national security. I have not broken or breeched national security in any manner at all.
We still have to fight for the right to free speech against government overreach.
“The right to think is the beginning of freedom, and speech must be protected from the government because speech is the beginning of thought.”—Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, Ashcroft V. Free Speech Coalition (00-795) 198 F.
Lawyer Aaron Siri posted today on X: “Great news. CDC folds on its X censorship rules. Our lawsuit, supported by @icandecide, not only resulted in CDC unblocking people across X, it has now also resulted in CDC changing its rules to no longer block users for claimed “misleading or false information." Fixed for X and soon to be fixed everywhere else CDC censors. Enjoy your last days of censoring the public...”. The same needs to be done for the EU and that censored posts are returned.
Truth Social below and I will embedd these posts so you can listen to the speakers from the interviews they are in.
“BREAKING NEWS: Pfizer Covid Vaccine vial contents exposed by WHO whistleblower. It contains graphene oxide, parasites, RFID, metals and nano circuitry. DARPA and Bill Gates developed these non biological synthetic injections to control the minds and bodies of the population. Professor states in front of lawyers anyone who administers these Pfizer mRNA Covid Vaccines is committing crimes against humanity and is a criminal. Dr. Charles Morgan formerly with the CIA in a 2018 DARPA meeting talking to the U.S. Military about mRNA CRISPR gene editing technology says they can engineer a "unique thing" to kill only one person in the world. In this case they used this mRNA technology to kill millions of innocent people in the world. This is why through the PCR test they took everyone's DNA and put it in a database in order to target specific people and races in the future, not only to kill them, but to control their thoughts and actions. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) refers to a wireless system comprised of two components: tags and readers. This RFID is in the Pfizer mRNA injections which are found in dead bodies and in the cemeteries. Scientists through autopsies show there is a parasite in the vaccine that lays an egg that bursts out and something comes out with tentacles. Experts through evidence confirm the mRNA injections are synthetic injection nano circuits that work with 5G. It's beyond what doctors know and what normal scientists know. We have to get every engineer and every military veteran who knows about nanoparticles, nanotechnology to help us understand this, because we have to know how to detach this from the body.”
“MRNA INJECTION CRIMES: Criminal Charges filed against 2 Doctors in Switzerland who put the needle into Pascal's body of a known toxic untested clinically experimental Nuremberg violating substance without informing him about the potential risks. We are dealing with a mass murder. Pfizer and the FDA have violated U.S. Federal and State laws. Lawsuit holds Pfizer and the FDA accountable. It is a criminal case pending in Switzerland and in the New York Supreme Court. No one was given informed consent, therefore this case could lead to a tort-law case for millions of people claiming damages. They (Pfizer FDA DOD) knew that the packaging of the mRNA lipid nanoparticles are classified as toxic. So how can you inject into humanity knowingly a clinically untested experimental toxic substance that was declared as safe, effective and tested? This is a crime against humanity. MIT Professor declares it (mRNA Vaccines) kills, it has to be stopped. The WHO is responsible for this. They all should be arrested tomorrow and cross examined asking who knew what and when and who gave which instructions to whom? Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - Recent new revelations coming from England with the Lockdown Files. If we take all the evidence together we know that there has never been a Pandemic. It is a Plandemic. The Lockdown files with the internal conversations with Matt Hancock the UK Health Secretary involving Bill Gates reveal in great detail that they knew there was no Pandemic, so there was no necessity for any vaccines. But they wanted the Pandemic because they wanted to vaccinate people. This is part of their population reduction program. Brook Jackson's Federal Criminal Complaint Case against Pfizer also proves the Pfizer mRNA injections were not tested for safety. A health scare was used to create the Pandemic so the U.S. Department of Defense could go through with its biological warfare on America and the world. See my post "Criminal Indictments" posted February 20th for more information on the U.S. Department of Defense vaccine military operation and the FDA fraud.”
“BREAKING NEWS: Pfizer Covid Vaccines contain never before seen objects in the blood of the vaccinated that interact with mobile phones. Study confirms the mRNA injections cause the human body to produce a Mac Address. Pascal Najadi says "I am chipped" by the Pfizer vaccine. This new video contains additional evidence to support the facts presented by the WHO whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger. Keep in mind that not all Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen vials contain the same substances. This is a global experiment on humanity. Some mRNA vaccines are placebo's, while others are designed to kill immediately or influence the mind and body. Ana Mihalcea MD, PhD states "The mRNA injections, is a cover story for an Artificial Intelligence frequency based gene modification system that is self learning and can decide how to edit that human." They are using digital technology and AI to control people. A Former Director of the CIA revealed that the CIA did have a program to collect DNA overseas by using a covert vaccination program as a cover. Through a real vaccination program they were able to retrieve DNA from a certain region of the world. Pascal Najada who has a Pfizer Covid Vaccine criminal case against the Swiss President in conjunction with a New York Supreme Court Pfizer and FDA lawsuit confirms he has been "chipped" by the Pfizer mRNA injections. At 35,000 feet in the airplane his phone scanned 650 transceivers of only 100 passengers. He says "IT" tried to take over and kill humanity, but "IT" has failed and "IT" will be brought to justice. Dr. Charles Morgan formerly with the CIA in a 2018 DARPA meeting is talking with the U.S. Military about how cells can be designed for specific activities and targets using DREADDs technology, cells can be strategically placed in the brain with no surgery and then the cells can be remotely controlled using a wireless interface. A scientific study done at a remote location with vaccinated, unvaccinated and PCR tested participants confirms the vaccinated and PCR tested produce a Mac Address which is a Media Access Control Address that sometimes disappears if the code is trying to be accessed and reappears depending on the situation. It is not in the vials but uses the human DNA to create the MAC Address signal. There are now nanosensors in millions if not billions of people worldwide. Professor Pablo Campra PhD in Chemical Sciences confirms using several different scientific methods including an optical microscope, spectroscopy and a micro-Raman technique that the Pfizer and AstraZenaca vaccine vials contain nanoparticles of graphene, fibers of blue, red, yellow colors, spheres, polygonal type objects that are nanosensors and nano routers which correspond to a wireless communication system. Bill Gates and Microsoft are involved in using human DNA as a programmable material through mRNA vaccines. Humanity has been used as guinea pigs in the greatest and most horrific experiments in the world killing millions of innocent people worldwide. Matt Hancock's secret chats reveal he knew the vaccines contained nanotechnology which he refers to as a "Chip" which he injected into millions of people and Bill Gates owes him one for doing this. Everyone in the world was lied to about the Covid vaccines by the corrupt politicians and elites who destroyed humanity.”
“In order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive.” Jordan B. Peterson
Please also take the time to read the posts added in this post about:
Sars-Cov-2 bioweapon virus and the Covid bioweapon injections
The globalists transhumanism agenda for the Covid-19 injections
The objectives of the experimental covid injections
Mark 4:19
“but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.”
I trust the science to execute everyone in the DOD pentagon DARPA HHS FDA CIA MIT gates GAVI Obama Biden fauchi phizer Moderna Johnson and Johnson the WHO United Nations the congressmen and senators that signed authorization to be hung shot imprisoned in Gitmo for life trust the science fuck you MFRs dead all dead just like you did to America and permanently harmed my wife you assholes