
Mark 4:19

“but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.”

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I trust the science to execute everyone in the DOD pentagon DARPA HHS FDA CIA MIT gates GAVI Obama Biden fauchi phizer Moderna Johnson and Johnson the WHO United Nations the congressmen and senators that signed authorization to be hung shot imprisoned in Gitmo for life trust the science fuck you MFRs dead all dead just like you did to America and permanently harmed my wife you assholes

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Klaus slob WEF Soros HHS the MDs hospitals jail and exeacute hang fireing squad everyone congress senate life in Gitmo with torture just payback how do you trust my science now fuckers

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No the scientists should be jailed and go to prison just like all the rhinos and democrats and politicians who authorized funding of this of the taxpayer funds in congress senate should be executed with the military who gave authorization in congress or senate to use the American people as guena pigs and a petry dish should be executed death penalty

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