Danish independent journlist David Sorensen has put together a new documentary showing the original plan of the globalists for the Covid 19 pandemic. The original idea of the great reset was to enforce a 10 year lockdown to crash the economy for the great reset (a new world order / One Health Agenda - climate change and health for power grab of land, depopulation), remove democratic freedoms, put the unvaccinated in FEMA camps and blame the sars-cov-2 variants on the unvaccinated. The World Economic Forum launched the Covid-19 global pandemic and the decision making went to the UN to enforce the Covid-19 pandemic on its member states.
Watch David Sorensens latest documentary FEMA and meet artist and activist Chad H. Vivas who tried to inform and warn people of what was coming 17 years prior to the launch of the authoritarian Covid-19 agenda.
The choice of Sars-Cov-2 would never give them their great reset. The attempt of the new normal (?).
Make no mistake the ideas and plans they have have to be taken seriously and informed about so they are not implemented. Listen here below to former intelligence officer Dr. John Coleman explaining parts of his 25 year research about the olympians as they are also called. One of his books he speaks about is available as a free ebook on the CIA webpage.
Propaganda invariably serves the long-term interests of some elite. John Berger
You can also listen to how Senator Ron Johnson explains the attempt of a coup with Covid-19 and parts of the economic plan for a takeover.
“More fear = more compliance. This was demonstrated by Gao et al, who found that public fear of COVID-19 (PFC) was positively associated with the number of COVID-19 vaccinations at county-level: “as PFC increases from 0 to 300, the predicted vaccination number increases from 10,000 to 230,000.” Nicolas Hulsher
*At a global level, pre-vaccination IFR may have been as low as 0.03% and 0.07% for 0-59 and 0-69 year old people, respectively.
The pharmaceutical industries own clinical studies showed the covid injections only gave a more or less 1 % protection rate. The protection wades after a few weeks and have been shown to display negative efficacy (the more doses the higher the risk of becoming infected).
Propaganda in Focus has started a series on propaganda for beginners and what they put out on Covid-19 is a good reflection of events:
“In what way was 'pre-bunking' present in the communication strategy during the COVID-19 crisis? Well, on October 18, 2019, a few months before the outbreak of the crisis, a simulation exercise known as 'Event 201' took place in New York, organized by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, where the reactions and, in particular, the cooperation of governments, international organizations, private companies, and media representatives in response to a global coronavirus pandemic were simulated and practiced. What sounds like the figment of conspiracy theorists' imagination has demonstrably taken place.
There were also recommendations developed, in case a real global pandemic of a respiratory virus were (hypothetically, of course) to take place in the near or distant future.
I watched the videos of the discussions that took place during this event, and it is very interesting to observe the intellectual and psychological dynamics at play and how they permeated the debates and contributions. The invisible premise that any dissent from the official government line and the recommendations of the scientific institutions working with the government and the WHO must be misinformation or disinformation is so skilfully placed 'off-screen' that it is no longer discussed, indeed, can hardly be discussed, because the narrative structures for it are not in place. It simply doesn't fit into the framing of the situation, as dissenting opinions and scientific assessments, as well as civil resistance to the measures, are only seen as threats, something to be repelled and suppressed. And this is exactly how it unfolded, like clockwork, when the real pandemic situation was officially declared in January 2020.
The exercise was very cleverly designed to ensure that discussions focused only on the 'how' (how do we combat disinformation?) and no longer on the 'whether' (is it actually disinformation and who decides that?). You have to give credit to the developers of these methods; it’s a very skillful sleight of hand that has fooled a large portion of leadership and opinion elites. They are only now slowly emerging from the cognitive fog created by this technique, for example, currently aided in Germany by the publication of the RKI leaks (see also the press conference with presentation of the leaked material, dubbed into English).”
Article in full: Propaganda for Beginners, Part 6: Pride in Prejudice; The manipulation of perception through “pre-bunking”
The book Covid-19 The Great Reset can be found online as a free ebook. Since then the co-author, Thierry Malleret, of this book with Klaus Schwab has tired of the Davos inner circle and had a novella published: Deaths at Davos. A reviewer commented this book: "I must beg to differ. And I’m torn about Malleret himself, who again, helped to bring The Great Reset into existence. The author has identified the problem with Davos, but has failed to identify the right solution. In the book, Malleret seems to imply that the solutions to the power hungry WEF global elite problem should involve pursuing more sophisticated plans to impose carbon credits, along with other liberty intruding measures on the rest of humanity to “save the planet” and the like. I would give more credit to Malleret’s bold novella if he wasn’t so captured by an anti-human ideology, but at the very least, we appreciate him calling a spade a spade."
Another good read in this context is The Great Racket (free ebook) by Paul Cudenedc. “In this collection of 15 essays penned in 2022, Paul Cudenec looks deep into the rotten heart of a modern world that he shows to be run for the profit and self-interest of a tiny and evasive criminal cartel.”
History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again. Maya Angelou
It can aslo be good to get a closer look at historical events and simulations leading up to the creation of the Covid-19 Pandemic / Crisis. It is about learning of terror and bioterrorism scenarios, how terrorism changes meaning, the impact of the stockmarket in this context, the divide after the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall, the impact of change from american presidencies, the military complex did not want to be cut down, attempts at introducing totalitarian authority, how the planners want people to be seduced by public relations concerning this kind of bioterrorism information, argumenting for deleting civil liberties, the frenchman and political advisor Jacques Attali already envisioned a new world order with the swineflu outbreak. How history is created by powers we usually do not hear of. The german journalist Paul Schrayer has put together a speech (here with english subtitles and english speakover): Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era? “
This text below from Propaganda in Focus is also a good reminder. It is not always obvious to know what dots to put together.
“The end of the Soviet Union meant that a new enemy had to be found for the securitization paradigm to continue to function (i.e. convincing the public that extraordinary measures, incompatible with democracy and the rule of law, are needed to deal with an alleged existential threat). In 1991, the Club of Rome proposed a new “common enemy against whom we can unite,” i.e. “humanity itself” for its disastrous inference in natural processes (King and Schneider 1991, 115).”
“The “Cold War” was never about “deterring” the Soviet Union; rather, it amounted to “a vast transitional program of political economic rehabilitation of the imperial system to subvert de-colonization and impose global capitalist discipline against anti-imperialist resistance” (Ahmed 2012, 70).”
“Rising social tensions in the West following years of “austerity” and surging levels of inequality resulting from the 2008 financial crisis were met with an escalation in the number of terrorist attacks (elaborated below) intended to reimpose discipline on populations between 2015 and 2017, especially in France (van der Pijl 2022, 63-4).”
“The Gladio programme became a de facto conduit for state-sponsored terrorism in the post-1968 era, committing numerous acts of terrorism that were blamed on the Red Brigades, including the kidnap and murder of ex-prime minister Aldo Moro and five of his staff in 1978, as well as the bombing of the Bologna Centrale railway station in 1980, which killed 85 people and wounded over 200. False flag terrorism used to incriminate communists can be traced to the Nazi burning down of the Reichstag dome in 1933 (Hett 2014; Sutton 2016, 118-19).”
“With “Covid-19,” however, one cannot help but sense that the deep state has overplayed its hand. The CIA’s fingerprints are too obvious. For example, the psychological warfare operation of 2020 was clearly modelled on what Klein (2007, 8) calls the “shock doctrine,” which traces back to MKULTRA experiments and seeks to generate “moments of collective trauma to engage in radical social and economic engineering.” Article in full: Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State
Author CJ Hopkins persecuted in Germany during Covid-19 for excersising free speech was condemned as an extremist for his tweets and his book on Covid-19: The Rise of the New Normal Reich.
“As long as the German authorities continue to claim that Germany is a democratic country, which respects the rule of law and democratic principles, I will continue to behave like that is what it is. I will not be bullied. I will insist on my constitutional rights. I will continue to respect democratic principles and fight to preserve them. The German authorities can make a mockery of those rights and the rule of law and democratic principles if they want. I will not. Not for the Berlin Prosecutor. Not for this Court. Not for the German authorities. Not for anyone.
Totalitarianism, authoritarianism, tyranny, never win. Not in the long run. History teaches us that. And it is history that will judge us all in the end.” Guilty CJ Hopkins
Sars-Cov-2 bioweapon virus and the Covid bioweapon injections:
Dr. Fleming on the covid 19 bioweapon injections
The globalists transhumanism agenda for the Covid-19 injections:
Covid – An agenda for population control and transhumanism?
The objectives of the experimental covid injections:
Will difintely have to look into this...looks interesting....