The so-called “immune protection” of the COVID injections was not only ephemeral but worthless. The mammalian stress mechanism automatically produces a generalized, non-specific increase in immune activity whenever it is activated for any reason. Thus the toxic effects of the poisonous COVID injections produce an immediate but temporary, non-specific, and worthless increase in immune activity as a normal part of tissue repair induced by the deadly COVID injections, but this fails to provide specific or lasting immune protection of any sort. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THAT THE IMMUNE MECHANISM CAN PRODUCE A LASTING AND SPECIFIC IMMUNE RESPONSE TO EITHER DNA OR RNA, BOTH OF WHICH ARE COMPOSED OF NUCLEOTIDES THAT ARE CHEMICALLY DISTINCT FROM PROTEINS. ALL GENUINE VACCINES CONSIST OF PURIFIED BACTERIAL AND VIRAL PROTEINS. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. THE RNA COVID INJECTIONS ACTUALLY CONSIST OF DEADLY WEAPONIZED VIRAL GENETIC MATERIAL THAT HIJACKS NORMAL CELLS AND FORCES THEM TO REPLICATE MORE VIRAL MATERIAL THAT PROPAGATES THROUGHOUT THE BODY, CAUSING CATASTROPHIC STRESS MECHANISM HYPERACTIVITY THAT MIMICS NEARLY ALL FORMS OF KNOWN DISEASE. THESE FAKE IMMUNIZATIONS MUST BE RECOGNIZED FOR WHAT THEY ARE: DEADLY POISONS DESIGNED FOR MASS MURDER. WWW.STRESSMECHANISM.COM

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Sophie UnderLøhdig is but a doll on a string.

Søren Brostrøm same.

Their misconduct and collective abuse is not only inexusable.

It is forever unforgiveable.

It is a wellknown fact that criminals seldom take responsibility for their own misdeeds.

Unfortunately for them, this is so grave they will be forced to.

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