Dr. Fleming was invited to give a presentation in Slovakia. It appears he is advising the Slovakian government about the covid 19 bioweapon injections. Slovakia is interested in terminating the use of the mRNA covid bioweapon injections. Dr. Fleming explains that if Trump is elected president he will accept the role within american healthservices to investigate further the covid 19 bioweapon injections. He will also have them withdrawn from use in the USA.
Dr. Richard M Fleming Responds to Slovakia's Covid 'Vaccine' Investigation
Dr. Fleming has investigated the contents of the covid eugenics vaccines before. He has previously shown human blood does not integrate well with this experimental technology. In an interview done by the independent swedish journalist Aga Wilson the american physician Dr. Alim quickly commented on some of Dr. Flemings research (from 43 minutes in the interview). Apparently Dr. Fleming has found artificial intelligence in the vials. This AI is specifically targeted at conscious organ-specific organ destruction. Dr. Fleming is not the only investigator who has found AI in the vials. Attorney Todd Callender (Vaxxchoice) in the USA got specialists to investigate the vials and they too found AI. AI pointing at that some people will be made deliberately sick, some will survive and some will die. Your life from now depends on AI and not your natural self if you have taken these experimental shots. How does one remove this AI technology function from the body? How break the spell from this experimental technology that is a deliberate crime against humanity.
The first step in the evolution of ethics is a sense of solidarity with other human beings. Albert Schweitzer
Dr. Fleming here below explains more on a conflict where a virologist is in denial of the genetic implications of the experimental gene-therapy covid bioweapon eugenics injections (it is getting longer and longer). Dr. Fleming also shows from his X account that more people have been harmed by these injections in the USA than were harmed from all combined wars in the USA since 1776.
A Challenge to Slovakian Scientists and Physicians, to Dr. Klempa & Dr. Fauci
Dr. Fleming has had two books published in relation to Covid-19:
Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?: A Scientific and Forensic Investigation
Are We the Next Endangered Species?: Bioweapons, Eugenics, and More
We’re going to kill and execute every last one of you rat bastards your wife kids loved ones like you did us this will never be over Covid 19 scientists politicians and vaccine companies this is a war of a lifetime into the future it will never be over never forgiven never forgot into future generations