Shocking results of a peer review study by Jordanians Nadia Al-Rousan and Hazem Al-Najjar of WHO data for the 4 most commonly used covid "vaccines": * the vaccination-related mortality rate is ~3% * most deaths occurred within 3 days of vaccination * majority of deaths occurred among non-hospitalised people under 60 years of age * mortality was highest after dose 1.
From the study abstract (summary):
Methods The analysis considers a range of variables, including symptoms, mortality status, gender, age, number of vaccine doses, hospitalization status, and the number of days following vaccination. The methodology involves cross-tabulation analysis to establish connections between vaccinated individuals and the variables under examination. The dataset was compiled from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, encompassing roughly 65,000 cases and documenting over 40 distinct symptoms.
Results The overall mortality rate among the vaccinated population is noteworthy. Notably, 40 different mild to severe symptoms were reported among vaccinated individuals. The research highlights the 10 most common symptoms experienced after vaccination. Females under 60 years of age constitute the majority of the dataset.
Conclusions The vaccination-related mortality rate stands at approximately 3 % of those who received the vaccine, with the majority of cases occurring among individuals under the age of 60, who were not hospitalized and had received their initial vaccine dose. The Doctors Appeal on X
Informed consent for healthcare is not enough. Informed consent needs to be expanded towards human- and civilrights goals. The EU Citizens Initiative have through the Trust and Freedom initiative created a petition for member states to expand on the role of informed consent also in society.
People do not seem aware of what has been done to them during Covid-19 and the experimental transhumanist genetic covid injections. People have the right to know what goes in their bodies and for what reason. Patients must always be informed of what is being done to them beforehand. This ethical principle was violated during Covid-19. Please help share informatio about this petition and sign it. Trust and Freedom Initiative was created by EU citizens in cooperation with EU representatives world wide.
Trust and Freedom goals:
We want to tackle the transfer of power from the people to unelected institutions.
1: Upholding Human Dignity and the Recognition of Informed Consent
We propose a recommendation as to creating the legal act for Members of State on the definition of informed consent.
2: Enhancing Transparency and Empowering Citizens
We request introduction of legal act that enhances transparency and access to information in EU decision-making processes (anti-corruption legistation for EU officials).
Another important petition:
Am I reading this correctly? 3% of all people???