This is very much a spiritual warfare between good (God) and evil (Satan, enemy of God). The ongoing strategy opposing the Giver of Life is an all out assault to destroy or prevent the formation of life. There are plenty of hair-brained conspiracy theories floating around, but the term ‘conspiracy theory’ has been hijacked by this cabal of evil to hide truth and discredit those brave enough to speak it. Ignorance is multiplied exponentially when they are able to associate truth-tellers with the crazies.

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Thank you for your work on this. Great job.

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Strangely, this “state of emergency” declared by Japan is nowhere to be found in the Japanese media.

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That is highly disturbing.

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This is too much... scary and horrific.. and.. omg... no words really... there were rumors or perhaps true leaks ... now it hits... thank you for this. (Omg)

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😈 👉 💥 🐀 🐁 🐁 🪤 Support Todd Candeller's clouthub.com to get all the Satanic Ratts arrested Nuremberg 2.0 style globally 🕺 🎶 https://rumble.com/user/Vaxxchoice

share this to save the world 😏

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not denying there are patents for nanobots and that they are most likely already in some products but this “paper” is not showing nanobots and they can not be seen with a 400x microscope

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not all “research” is what is claims to be and looking at the credentials of the authors should be the first dead giveaway

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Things depend on research methods.

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has nothing at all to do with methods.

these people are not qualified to makes such conclusions.

they have no background or knowledge of what they claim to be observing.

this is like a train driver saying they can fly an aeroplane.

an OBGYN and neurolinguist have no background in microscopy or blood, seamen, tissue etc sample work.

and to top it off, identical images have been observed in samples 32+ years ago.

that is because they are cholesterol and salt. not nanobots

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before taking anything at face value perhaps look at the AUTHORS of the paper.

an OBGYN based in NYC and a NEUROLINGUIST who studies “political commentary”.

they have NOT found nanobots at all.

see here: Geoff Pains substack

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There is nanotechnology - more proof can be found in patents. Here from pub med on nanotech https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8226031/ Here is Dr McMillan on bigger study of the phenomenon: https://www.youtube.com/live/o4IU71zHnCQ

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The Bible says the last days will be as it was in the days of Noah. “For Noah was a righteous man PURE in his GENERATIONS”. His family had not had their Genes corrupted by the fallen angels. The book of Genesis is all about the Genetics of God’s creation, and the purity of God’s creation was under attack. And so it is now. Transgenderism and gender identity is one step. Denigrating the pure creation of man and woman and teaching people that God does not create man in his image, male and female, we create ourselves into the image we want. Step one in transhumanism. Step 2 will be the melding of machine and human. Completely bastardizing the divine creation of God, as it was in Noah’s day. This is a Satanic attack on God’s divine creation.

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Another attempt at global sterilization by the WEF leadership

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Omg crazy shit. Did they get the shot or was it conveyed thru shedding or do you know?

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As I understand this information it was from getting the shot since it concerns semen. I know of Dr. Mihalceas work and she is finding nanomaterials in human blood from the unjected- I hope she will clarify if the shedding also may concern semen.

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Excellent please keep us posted. What disturbers me is that no one wants to talk about it the excuse is well they had other mitigated factors, maybe but, I call bullshit thats fear related. We do not need pt info, just numbers. I bet if and when the real numbers come out the horror will make people crazy. The other thing never mentioned is Why should the unvaxxed suffer unwanted solitude, because of shedding, the vaxxed go everywhere, people like me cannot. Excuse the rant.

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To much authority is in government and also non-elected rich global elites. Pray to our Heavenly Father, God Almighty, Lord Jesus Christ, to heal our bodies of this poison and to bring those evil doers to light and destroy them if they don’t genuinely repent of their evil and crimes against humanity.

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