Governor Ron de Santis comments: This morning, the Twenty-Second Statewide Grand Jury released its final report. This Grand Jury was tasked with investigating vaccine manufacturers and their production process for vaccines following the COVID-19 pandemic. While we are still reading through the report and its recommendations, it details that, through deception and taking “advantage of scientific journal infrastructure” to hide adverse events from the public, Big Pharma engaged in a "pattern of deceptive and obfuscatory behavior." Big Pharma brought in billions of dollars in profit, and the federal government amplified bogus “studies,” all while suppressing any opposition that went against their preferred narrative. Instead of federal agencies acting as a backstop to bad incentives, they worked closely with Big Pharma as they cut corners, even becoming unpaid advertisers on their behalf. The Grand Jury also details the frustrations of many, stating, "these sponsors have taken in billions of taxpayer dollars for creating and selling their vaccines; they cannot be sued if something goes wrong with them; they have access to critical information about deaths related to a side effect of their products; and the public does not have access to that information.” The Grand Jury has made a number of recommendations that should be followed. The status quo cannot continue. The American people deserve transparency on how Big Pharma is using their federal tax dollars, and they deserve regulating entities that operate as watchdogs, not cheerleaders.
Grand Jury reports:
Florida phoenix commented this final Grand Jury report: No criminal indictments
However, the grand jury refused to bring any criminal indictments, finishing its 144-page final report on Nov. 22. Christopher Sabella, the chief judge of Florida’s Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, ordered the unsealing of the report on Tuesday.
“We did not find any statute that we believed would be an appropriate vehicle for a criminal indictment based on the facts we have laid out in this Final Report,” the jurors wrote.
Instead, the report criticizes the relationship between regulatory agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration and Pfizer and Moderna.
Others will not agree with the Grand Jury reports and the lack of criminal evidence. During Covid-19 a lot of Big Pharma fraud has been exposed concerning the experimental covid injections. Dr. Ariyana Love has exposed covid injections patents showing genetically modified parasites and gene deletion functions and more. Karen Kingston has exposed covid mRNA patents showing the patents stating we are dealing with biological and chemical weapons and gene-editing injections. Other states in the USA have found they are biological and technological weapons and have initiated investigations.
I have repeatedly said this was not the way to approach this problem and yet here we are. The Bioweapon was SARS-CoV-2. The Eugenic Genetic Vaccines were the encoding of part of the developed weapon. Dr. Richard Fleming
The gene-therapy injections are in violation with human rights. At the Geneva Freedom Rally - We Are The Change Rally & March in Geneva in June 2024 Dr. Joseph Tritto explained these genetic covid injections make the producers of the injections the owners of the injected bodies.
Worldwide Class Action Lawsuit against the covid injections
Covid – An agenda for population control and transhumanism?
Covid was never about the disease. It was about the injection. Part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Great Reset. Bringing in Stakeholder Capitalism, which is simply technocratic communism. AND transhumanism, the merger of man and machine. Humanity is sleep walking into extinction. Dr Malik
The report starts with utter bullshit about the death jabs supposedly saving "countless lives".
It's worse than useless. It's just more genocidal propaganda.
The mRNA jabs need to banned as extremely dangerous, and everyone who mandated them must be hanged for the worst crime against humanity ever:
That is at least fraud and conspiracy. And it was ALL criminal! Shocking that they won't recommend any criminal indictments.