The Childrens Health Defense reported: UK’s vaccine advisory committee won’t recommend pregnant women take the COVID-19 vaccine in 2025-2026. Researchers presented evidence COVID-19 poses very low risk to pregnant women and their infants and the vaccines provide minimal benefit.
The committee’s new recommendation — which must be ratified at the next meeting — followed presentations by researchers on COVID-19 epidemiology and cost-effectiveness.
The researchers presented evidence showing that COVID-19 posed a very low risk to pregnant women and their infants and that the vaccines provided minimal benefit.
They concluded that COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women becomes cost-effective only if the cost of procuring and administering the vaccines could be kept between 10.07 and 13.19 pounds ($12.74-$16.69) per shot. They considered it “very unlikely” that this would be feasible.
The only way to increase the price at which vaccines were considered cost-effective would be if they could show the vaccine averted neonatal deaths from COVID-19 or posed a greater threat to infants. There is no existing data to support this, they said.
The UK Health Security Agency presented epidemiological data to the committee, showing there were no COVID-19-related ICU (intensive care unit) admissions or deaths among pregnant women in any trimester or their infants in the U.K. between October 2022 and December 2023.
In their evaluation of the “number needed to vaccinate,” a commonly used measure of vaccine effectiveness, the researchers estimated that 300,000 pregnant women would need to be vaccinated to prevent one serious hospitalization for COVID-19 during pregnancy, as such cases are rare. Similar results were observed for infants’ hospitalization.
The researchers estimated that just over 13,000 pregnant women would need to be vaccinated to prevent one serious hospital admission for an infant under age 3 months. To prevent one infant death, between 380,000 and 1.5 million pregnant women would need to be vaccinated.
They said the latter number was difficult to calculate with certainty, given the difficulty in attributing any infant deaths at all to COVID-19. They also said it was difficult to attribute any infant hospitalizations to COVID-19 — and that current data likely overestimated COVID-19 hospitalization among infants — because hospitalized infants typically had other coexisting infections.
Researchers from the University of Warwick in Coventry, England, and the Department of Health and Social Care presented modeled data on cost-effectiveness.
The U.K. will continue to use a “bespoke, non-standard cost-effectiveness assessment” through the spring 2025 COVID-19 vaccination campaign because they still have stockpiled vaccines available.
However, from fall 2025 on health officials will use JCVI’s standard cost-effectiveness model, which factors in costs for vaccine procurement, along with outcomes such as maternal or infant hospitalizations, ICU admissions and preterm birth or infant death.
Within that framework, the vaccines are not cost-effective for pregnant women and their babies, the committee concluded.
The committee agreed that starting in fall 2025 and spring 2026, only adults 75 and older, care home residents and immunosuppressed people over 6 months will be eligible for the vaccine.
They noted that COVID-19 showed no seasonality and estimated that overall the vaccine was 50% effective against hospitalization in the first four weeks following vaccination, with protection waning to zero by 28 weeks.
Article in full: UK Regulators Decide Pregnant Women Don’t Need COVID Vaccines
The 15 stages of mRNA denial (first 10 from the Dossier)
1) It's the cure!
2) It's not the cure but it prevents you from getting it and spreading it to others
3) It doesn't prevent you from getting it but it prevents you from getting sick
4) It doesn't prevent you from getting sick but it prevents you from getting REALLY sick
5) It doesn't prevent you from getting REALLY sick but it prevents you from dying
6) It doesn't prevent you from dying but it prevents most people from dying
7) Hey, it's still a net benefit! Trust the institutions!
8) Okay, well at least it doesn't actively harm people! Roll up your sleeve for the updated shot
9) Okay, well at least it doesn't harm THAT many people! Sorry, I’m, uh, busy, and not rolling up my sleeve anymore
10) Okay, it's poison, and it doesn’t actually do anything beneficial whatsoever. There are no benefits, only costs. The cure is so much worse than the disease. We got bamboozled every step of the way
11) It's poison but it only kills a few people, and everybody I know is ok
12) Well, I know a few people that were killed or maimed but it's pretty much all over now
13) Ok, more and more people are dying, but it will stop when these greedy pharma companies are reined in
14) It's true that the military has orchestrated the whole thing but its only because they want to better prepare us for an era of biological warfare
15) Its really a transnational deep state that fears the 99% so much that they have set out to kill all 99%