The Swedish Doctors Appeal: In Germany, too, some vaccine batches are extremely toxic, as has been shown in Denmark, Sweden and the Czech Republic, among others. On 28 November 2024, the PEI (Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicine) secretly posted the details of the suspicious reports on the internet, thereby confirming the batch-dependent damage contrary to its previous announcement. From the post: "PEI has previously lied to the press and the public that in Germany, contrary to all neighbouring countries such as Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain and the Czech Republic, which all testified to a batch-dependent harmfulness, there was no such harmfulness. Now, on 28 November 2024, PEI published the Excel list of all reports of suspicious activities, which reveals that PEI had knowledge to the contrary and was in fact aware of a batch-dependent susceptibility to damage and PEI concealed this fact."
"It is striking that PEI remained silent about all the batches published by the law firm Rogert & Ulbrich, despite the fact that PEI had the same results for much longer than the law firm Rogert & Ulbrich. A pharmacovigilance agency that remains silent when risks are identified is a significant risk factor for the entire population. Recalls that are not carried out, inspections that are not carried out at the manufacturer and the failure to analyse data from statutory health insurance doctors in accordance with § 13 Paragraph 5 Nos. 9 and 10 IfSG are only part of the complete failure of drug supervision. The entire process should be investigated by the Darmstadt public prosecutor's office, because every omission harmed people and led to people dying. PEI knew about the death batches and did nothing. They explained (according to the press release) that they had not initiated a recall despite knowing of hundreds of death reports regarding EM0477. PEI saw over 10,579 suspicious reports of deaths and serious injuries from EX8679 and did nothing. What kind of drug regulatory agency is this?"
"We now have many questions for PEI? (We publish here the first 10 of 17 questions in the post):
1. Why did PEI lie to the public about the apparent differences in injury severity between the different batches?
2. What was the reason for the extreme severity of injuries in the 10 largest batches? Why was this not investigated?
3. Who carried out the lot testing and why were the deficiencies in these lots not identified in the PEI lot testing? Can the lot testing protocols for all defective lots be made available?
4. Who tested the batches for plasmids?
5. Who tested the batches for endotoxins?
6. Who tested the batches for SV40 enhancer/promoter and SV40 ori (as Prof Dr Ulrike Kämmerer did with batches FD6975, FD7958, EX8679 and HD9869 - I reported in my post yesterday)?
7. Why was no real-time monitoring of the batches of the suspected case reports carried out, as required by § 13.5 No. 9 and 10 IfSG of the PEI?
8. Why was the population not warned about batches that could cause harm and why were these batches not withdrawn by PEI?
9. If there were over 10,000 reports of harm from EX8679, i.e. one in ten people who received the injection reported harm, why didn't the alarm bells ring at PEI?
10. How did the Paul Ehrlich Institute contact the manufacturer BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH about these disastrous results? Was there a briefing? Was the production facility inspected immediately? Were the laboratory results checked? Were random samples of the bottles taken from production for inspection and testing? We see the late publication as a Trojan horse, that later, as with VW's ad hoc announcement in September 2015, it is stated that by November 2024 everyone should have known about their harmful batches, i.e. even about the possibility that their health damage could be attributed to these batches."
Why did people actually take the covid vaccine? Already in March 2020, the death rate from covid was only 0.1 percent for people under 70 years old. Swebb TV