Alex Jones just reported on the New Zealand Pandemic Plan. Alex gives us the more in-depth globalist interpretation of events. He is often to the point at figuring things out. Right now it is a bit hard to say if he is right or not. But the things he is explaining and linking to the Chinese Covid Camps turned into re-education camps has also been reported from people in China. “This will be BETA tested in New Zealand then implemented throughout the Western world.” He thinks the birdflu will have forced vacccinations implemented in the western world. The globalists have since the lockstep report from 2010 explained they will use fear pandemics to usher in their new world order. Alex Jones very often gives us new world order interpretations. People can be locked up for no reseason. The camps are to break up families and “re-educate” children. People will be forcably injected with experimental injections. But, there are regulations in countries that prohibit it. The IHR amendments were not all agreed upon and forced vaccinations was outed. The WHO Pandemic Treaty is not in. I still think one should hear Alex Jones out on this. In his presentation he also shows documentation for how a militarization against a population can be carried out. The document is deliberatly vague to be able to be applied anywhere is what is being shown - but this would concern american soil. The USA, as many other countries, have had detention camps and emprisoned dissenters before. It also happened in Sweden during WW II. Alex Jones is asking questions if Covid camps or the like would be used against populations for other reasons than medical ones. The change of use of the Covid Camps has happened in China so the question is adequate.
Barry Young on X commenting this: “I seriously doubt they could force this on New Zealanders. I hope we're better than that. Words are words until violently enforced by the police...”. Barry Young in New Zealand uncovered the data of excess death due to the Covid injections in New Zealand some time ago.
Kirsten Murfitt on Linkedin about the New Zealand Pandemic Plan:
There is no “compulsory treatment” for Infectious and Notifiable Diseases in New Zealand under the latest Pandemic Plan (“the Plan”). Yes, this could change in the future. But for now, here is a summary of the powers:
The Health Act 1956 (“the Act”) is one of three primary pieces of legislation that feeds into the Plan. The relevant parts of the Act are:
1) Part 3: which deals with Infectious and Notifiable Diseases (SS 70 to 92); and
2) Part 3A: which deals with the management of infectious diseases (SS 92A to 92ZZH). This part of the Act includes the powers of medical officers of health to issue directions and notices to individuals such as directions for treatment.
Section 70 of the Act sets out the “Special powers of medical officer of health” in regard to what an individual can be compelled to do such as:
1) Medical Examination: “require persons to report themselves or submit themselves for medical examination at specified times and places” (section 70(1)(e)).
2) Medical Testing: “if the spread of the disease would be a significant risk to the public, require people to report, or submit themselves for medical testing, at stated times and places (section 70(1)(ea)) and "if the spread of the disease would be a significant risk to the public, require people … to be tested as he or she thinks fit” (section 70(1)(fa)).
3) Quarantine: “require persons…to be isolated, quarantined, or disinfected as he or she thinks fit (section 70(1)(f)) and require people to remain in the health district or the place in which they are isolated or quarantined until they have been medically examined and found to be free from infectious disease, and until they have undergone such preventive treatment as he may in any such case prescribe” (section 70(1)(h)).
4) Denying Entry: “forbid persons … to come or be brought to any port or place in the health district from any port or place which is or is supposed to be infected with any infectious disease” (section 70(1)(g)).
Under Section 92I of the Act a medical officer of health may give directions to individuals posing public health risks. However, section 92I (5) expressly states the following:
"In no case may a direction require an individual to submit to compulsory treatment."
The same prohibition on compulsory treatment also applies where an individual has been in contact with someone who poses a health threat and for directions for medical examination (SS 92J and 92K). As set out in my previous post, these provisions are not new. This is no doubt why mandates were used for the vaccine rollout, instead of compulsory vaccinations. Yes, Parliament could change the legislation in the future.
Short dialogue:
See the thing about this, that you cannot forcibly inject someone with something out in the open. That would be assault and battery. You do not have to get any medical procedure that you do not wish to get. We have laws that protect against these infringements on human rights. Jessica Rose
What you say sounds right Jessica but how can we square that with reports that a country like New Zealand are proposing to give themselves exactly those powers? So which is it? Could they do it (legally) or not? Pete Wright
It's fear tactics. The antidote to fear is knowledge. People need to KNOW their rights and ACT ON THEM. Jessica Rose
We have to be reminded of what the narrartive has been. Politicians worldwide spoke of safe and effective “vaccines” without having any evidence. World Economic spokesperson has explained the mission was never the vaccine but to get everybody vaccinated. Politicians created causes to forcibly inject people or they would lose their job. In China even if a person had a green light on a Vaccine Passport - could be prohibited from entering ones appartment buildning for not being vaccinated even if being infection free.
What is the actual goal of vaccinations during Covid-19?
The Peoples Voice just showed part of an interview with a Covid-19 Oxford mRNA inventor, Professor John Bell, before the interview was cut off from the BBC broadcast.
The Covid mRNA is unlikely to sterilize the population. In the BBC broadcast the professor openly says: the regulators will have to look into so the mRNA injection is doing “what we need it to do”. Professor Bell questions if they will be approved as vaccines.
It is corrected as sterilizing immunity - meaning prohibiting viral replication. The mRNA only works against the spikeprotein on the surface of the virus by making the body produce the toxin itself for the immunresponse. mRNA does not give immunity against Sars-Cov-2.
COVID vaccines are a bioweapon. They were designed to kill and maim, and most people were useful in their deployment. I do not envy you who have yet to wake up, because it will be a dark day when you do. Andrew Zywiec, MD (the good doctor), X
An Israeli study has shown a 22.1 % decline in sperm count due to the Pfizer Covid mRNA injection because of an induced immuneresponse. The Epoch and Times reported: “The biggest unanswered question from this study is the reproductive side effects associated with a booster shot. Study participants were given a third dose, but data collection ended after the second shot. Moreover, this data is only for the Pfizer vaccine. As we’ve seen with myocarditis, the Moderna vaccine has severalfold (approximately 3 to 5 times) higher rates of myocarditis compared to Pfizer. If the differential vaccine damage for myocarditis in any way aligns with sperm count impairment, this would be a medical disaster.” Author Naomi Wolf has previously reported: “The Pfizer documents contain a warning to vaccinated men not to have intercourse with women of childbearing age.”
Two books by Naomi Wolf on the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections:
Forensic journalist Sonia Elijah has explained the mechanisms by which the Pfizer Covid mRNA injection destroys female fertility. The mRNA injection is made to inhibit the hormonal processes of female eggs in the ovaries. The mRNA stopps fertility at the source by stopping the release of female eggs. An article in nature exlains The direct effect of SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccination on human ovarian granulosa cells explains menstrual irregularities. The author Naomi Wolf has been debating the Covid mRNA injections are genocide, depopulation and an attack on fertility. Naomi Wolf has been trying to explain this worldwide. She recently supported the journalist Mark Steyn in England on a free speech court case about the Covid injections and the dangers to public health. The case has just been reported to be ruled against Mark Steyn and the Ofcom lack of journalistic free speech. We cannot trust mainstream media nor the judiciary when people speek the truth:
A second show on October 4 2022 featured an interview with author Naomi Wolf, which the watchdog said included her likening the vaccine rollout to a “mass murder” which was comparable to the actions of “doctors in pre-Nazi Germany”.
The regulator received 422 complaints following the interview, ruling on May 9 last year that GB News failed to take “adequate steps to protect viewers” from “potentially harmful content”, labelling Dr Wolf’s comments as promoting “a serious conspiracy theory”.
Forensic journalist Sonia Elijah in an interview with Naomi Wolf on the topic of female infertility and the Covid mRNA injections: "Sonia Elijah: Study Shows How MRNA Shots Ruin Women's Menstrual Cycles"
If you want more references and information about the problems women encounter about menstrual irregularities and the mRNA injections read this post by forensic journalist Sonia Elijah: Israeli Study Explains How Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA Shot Causes Menstrual Irregularities
Depopulation structures are a part of the global Agenda 21 (presented in Rio de Janeiro and agreed upon by heads of states) for sustainability (UN Agenda 2030). Depopulation is also linked to the Global Biodiversity Assesment program for sustainability. The idea is to free nature of humans. To reduce the worlds populations by 2/3 in 30 - 50 years.
Perdana Peace Foundation. In 2015 the International Conference "NEW WORLD ORDER" A RECIPE FOR WAR or PEACE was held. The New World (NWO) order is the idea of a global new world order with no boundaries. David Icke on the other hand has shown how the globalists want to break up national boundaries to pull up bigger regional boundaries that cut straight through nations as we now know them. The first speaker, chairman Tan Sri Norian Mai, at the conference explained the people behind the new world order want to reduce the worlds populations by 2/3. The NWO will have a new set of global laws and anybody who does not follow them will be starved to death or outlawed (where anybody can kill them). Fear (by means of propaganda) is used to create problems to control populations. The two World Wars, the rise of Nazi Germany (for more on Hitler see the documentary: Hunting Hitler), the Russian Revolution, the Vietnam War, the end of the Soviet Union were planned and orchestrated by the NWO.
The former PM of Malaysia and president of the Perdana Peace Foundation explained: the idea of a new world order is not new - it is quite old. A global world government by rich and powerful elites (the opposite of democracy). The concept of a new world order was created more than 100 years ago. Democratic debate and free speech only exists today within nation states. Free speech on a global / international level does not really exist. If someone says something that contradicts or exposes the NWO people that person will be villified and destroyed. This obscure power is already running the world today. Politicians who do not submit are replaced. Former PM of Malaysia also confirms the NWO intention of reducing the worlds populations (people will be starved and killed). You can listen to all the other experts and speakers from this conference on NWO below:
Recently Donald Trump debated against “Climate Change” and depopulation at an election rally. He exposed their ideas of reducing cattle, then horses, then humans…
Eye vaccines are coming up for humans in the name of “Climate Change”.
"Climate Change" - By 1998, the Rockefeller family had swept the table clean of any opposition to this one idea. Any scientist not on board with the agenda was imperiled.
The Rockefellers have created 990 “Climate Change” activist organizations. They give them directions, financing, and launch them on the world. The Green Movement was started, financed, organized, and militarized by the Rockefellers.
A new peer-reviewed study from a group of top researchers in Greece has found that the globalist anti-carbon narrative is a hoax. According to the study, popular claims that carbon dioxide (CO2) changes drive temperature changes currently or throughout the distant past are false.