Data from Germany showing there was no Covid-19 pandemic to start. The Covid-19 measures that were imposed created the societal- and economic breakdown and the experimental Covid-19 injections lead to excess mortality.
In April 2024 blogger Aussie_17 reported on hearings from Germany it was obvious supranational organisations were responsible for the breakdown of the German economy during Covid-19. The Robert Koch Institute files from Germany show they took orders “from the outside”. Excerpt from the german hearing below with english subtitles. In this post you will also find a speech by Professor Stefan Homburg explaining the RKI files closer (presentation in english):
Previously on Patientmakt:
In Germany in 2023 Professor Stefan Homburg held a speech on the Covid-19 pandemic response in The German Bundestag.
Professor Stefan Homburg speaks of the horrific propaganda rhetoric imposed on the German population: children as virus-carrying rats, unvaccinated were like an appendix that did not belong in the national body politic. He also explains the harsh methods against anybody who dared question the official narrative - an enemy of the state or conspiracy theorist. A use of language that has not been seen since WWII in Germany. Public health experts and physicians were replaced by traffic planners, military experts, and microbiologists using miscalculated models for their prognoses.
Professor Stefan Homburg's main points:
1. Lowest hospital rates ever in Germany in 2020
2. Not more respiratory illness than usual in 2020-2021
3. Covid came and the flu disappeared
4. The age-standardized mortality was not higher
5. Covid death age was 83
6. Sweden did not enforce lockdowns and masking and did much better than Germany
Professor Stefan Homburg's speech
Swedish comparison. In Sweden, the Swedish government passed a temporary Covid-19 act and “miscalculated” by 1000 % the IFR of the Sars-Cov-2 virus to pass this act. This temporary Covid-19 act imposed a smaller amount of restrictions in Sweden (but no harsh lockdowns).
In 2020 it was already known Sars-Cov-2 was like a severe flu and not like the Spanish flu. You can read more by the Swedish lawyer Axel Berglund on the deliberate official misinformation and propaganda imposed on the Swedish population below.
Test bias assessing Covid injection effectiveness?
Even if Sweden did not have lockdowns the Covid-19 measures were destructive. Swedish MP Elsa Widding reported: According to the Swedish Doctors’ Appeal, the strategy against the covid-19 pandemic has had a strong negative effect on our society:
– Excess mortality, especially due to cancer and cardiovascular disease in younger age groups.
– A historic reduction in the birth rate.
– Unprecedented levels of reported side effects of vaccines, but also regarding drugs.
– Closure of small businesses.
– Increased cost of living due to inflation.
Despite these negative effects of the pandemic, Sweden fared better than other countries because we did not follow the draconian lockdowns and other restrictive measures recommended by the WHO.
A Norwegian study shows that the price for the country's lockdown during the corona pandemic was high - each life saved cost NOK 130 million. / did not prevent more than 2,025 COVID deaths. The researchers find that Sweden chose a more reasonable path.
Scientific study published in the Lancet on mental health have shown considerable differences when using Sweden as an example in comparison to other countries that had lockdowns:
Covid 19 scaremongering caused mental illness to increase by 5.4% in the first month of the pandemic in primary care in Sweden. In other countries with lockdowns, mental illness increased by 11.8-124.0%.
In March & April of 2020, just before “lockdowns” were announced, Bill Gates directly funded the British professor who created the “lockdown” theory. This was the paper, “Report 9.”. The paper was neither peer-reviewed nor published in any science journal.
“There are invisible rulers who control the destinies of millions. It is not generally realized to what extent the words and actions of our most influential public men are dictated by shrewd persons operating behind the scenes.”
― Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda
Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Bloodlines - also on the current war on food and the birdflu
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”
― Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda
This whole thing targeted Germany among other places. But please understand that the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire set out to annihilate Germany by 1905. They have been at it ever since. I was in Germany for part of the "plandemic." It was indeed done TO them by.......the same who killed Nord Stream.....