Emma Bäck was in Tobias Hietalas swedish documentatry about the covid vaccines Safe and Effective the side effects that disappeared. Emma Bäck is having serious problems in Swedish healthcare to find the causes of her covid vaccine injury. It is being reported in the Swedish MSM physicians have stopped investigating her injuries and how it related to her symptoms of injury. She is on some meds but they do not help enough. What kind of healthcare is that? The most probable thing is it might be the same in other countries too.
You can watch the swedish documentary Safe and Effective the side effects that disappeared with enligh subtitles. The problems with the mRNA injection technology and choices in making the covid injections are disclosed. It is a must watch for everybody. Anybody with covid vaccine injury should watch it and perhaps if you explain what is being told in the documentary it might help your physician to think differently and then know better what to actually investigate.