A new study on adverse events of the Covid mRNA injections show a clear link to dementia. The study comes from South Korea and was published in International Journal of Medicine by Roh et al. They looked at over half a million injected with two doses of the mRNA gene-therapy injections and noted dementia more than doubled compared to the unjected. Normally one in five people have dementia after they are 65. If the mRNA injections continue to be used it could lead to one of two elderly having dementia.
Neuroscientist Dr. Komano has expressed grave concerns about the broader implications of administering the self-replicon mrna injections:"Administering this vaccine, whether it's a COVID-19 vaccine or a replicon vaccine, leads to weakened immune systems due to the induction of IgG4, and people die from other diseases."
Blogger Aussie_17 who presented this information also quoted Dr. Komano from an interview about the South Korean study: Dr. Komano also highlighted the critical need to investigate the issue of vaccine/spike protein shedding, expressing profound disbelief at the current situation: "None of this has been properly studied, and yet they are developing the next replicon (mRNA) vaccine. It's unbelievable that they're also developing other vaccines with messenger RNA."
Blogger Aussie_17 will provide full english subtitles to the interview from Japan on these issues. You can find the link to his blog just above.
The researchers also raised concerns that if attempts are made to study the side effects of mRNA injections institutions are reprimanded and lose funding for their research.
Dr. Hiroshi Arakawa highlighted the systemic issues in the research community. He pointed out that for many researchers, the focus is on securing funding and career advancement, which often means avoiding topics that don't attract monetary support or lead to high-profile publications. He noted, “Moreover, making such announcements can get researchers reprimanded by their institutions,” drawing parallels to a recent incident in the Netherlands where the Princess Maxima Centre attempted to censor and reprimand the lead author of a BMJ article that urged governments to explore potential mRNA gene therapy harms.
In April 2024 Dr. Mercola blog published information the Covid mRNA injections now have made dementia a contagious disease. This has never been the case before.
The phenomenon frameshifting is linked to the process on prions and shedding from the Covid mRNA injections that now, for the first time in history, can make dementia a contageous disease.
Dr. Mercola explains:
A process known as codon optimization — can cause frameshifting, a glitch in the decoding, thereby triggering the production of off-target aberrant proteins.
According to the prion disease model, the infectious properties of prions are due to the ability of the abnormal protein to convert the normal version of the protein into the misfolded form, thereby setting off a chain reaction that progressively damages the nervous system.
Prions are remarkably resistant to conventional methods of sterilization and can survive extreme conditions that would normally destroy nucleic acids or other pathogens, which is part of why prion diseases are so difficult to treat.
Spectrum of neurological complications following COVID-19 vaccination:
Study: Spectrum of neurological complications following COVID-19 vaccination
Research shows neurological complications due to covid vaccination - "The injection of the spike protein alone caused cell death in the brain, highlighting a direct effect on brain tissue."
31.2% developed post-vaccination neurological complications, particularly with ChAdOx1nCov-19. A vulnerable clinical profile emerged, where over 40% of the symptomatic people showed comorbidities in their clinical histories.
Abstract: SARS‐CoV‐2 and adverse reactions to SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccinations show a tropism for neuronal structures and tissues. This narrative review was conducted to collect and discuss published data about neurological side effects of SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccines in order to discover type, frequency, treatment, and outcome of these side effects. The most frequent neurological side effects of SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccines are headache, Guillain‐Barre syndrome (GBS), venous sinus thrombosis (VST), and transverse myelitis. Other neurological side effects occur in a much lower frequency. Neurological side effects occur with any of the approved vaccines but VST particularly occurs after vaccination with vector‐based vaccines. Treatment of these side effects is not at variance from similar conditions due to other causes. The worst outcome of these side effects is associated with VST, why it should not be missed and treated appropriately in due time. In conclusion, safety concerns against SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccines are backed by an increasing number of studies reporting neurological side effects. The most frequent of them are headache, GBS, VST, and transverse myelitis. Healthcare professionals, particularly neurologists involved in the management of patients having undergone SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccinations, should be aware of these side effects and should stay vigilant to recognize them early and treat them adequately.
Study: Neurological side effects of SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccinations
Also from Japan it has been noted in a pre-print study blood donation from mRNA injected lead to neurological complications, as well as blood abnormalities and immune dysfunction for the receiver of this mRNA blood donation.
Read more on this issue and get a bit of a statistical overview from anonymous medical blogger A Midwestern Doctor: We Now Have Proof The COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition - Examining the causes and treatments of the common neurological injuries caused by vaccination
My ex f-i-l developed memory problems and each jab he took, it got worse, as did the pain from arthritic knees. He fell, was hospitalised then he was finished off! Others have admitted memory problems too.