Sweden, Tobias Hietala - the man behind the Swedish Covid-19 injection harm documentary, Safe and Effective - the side effects that disappeared has made a new commentary to what is happening about the new Covid-19 injection campaign: Why do authorities campaign ineffective, harmful vaccines? Tobias Hietala is looking at the mainstream newspaper Dagens Nyheter (swedens largest daily newspaper) where it is just being explained new variants are on the rise and that people should get Covid vaccinated again. Tobias questions how authorities are allowed to still push these dangerous Covid injections despite all the research that has emerged showing how harmful they are and that the results are really bad. I guess the same would apply in your country and what the mainstream media is up to. The matter at hand is the mainstream media is not reporting the science that has emerged - they are not helping with informed consent. Tobias has now sent emails to swedish authorities in charge of public health and drugs (The authority for Public Health and the Swedish Medicines Agency and Magnus Gisslén - the swedish state epidemiologist). He is asking why authorites are pushing people to get a vaccine / injection where it is documented it has no effect. This has even been admitted by Matti Sällberg in Sweden who works with vaccineproduction. Matti Sällberg has explained the problem is the spikeprotein production of the mRNA Covid-19 injection make them “completely ineffective”.
Many citizens are asking questions - how the authorties are just pushing for more Covid mRNA injection without the authorities looking into the new research on the harms and explaining this to the public. The journalist in Dagens Nyheter does not even ask one critical question to Magnus Gisslén. Tobias Hietala is urging the Swedish public to email the authorities with critical questions - demanding answers and how to make this stop. I will post Tobias latest commentary here (it is in Swedish) and the documentarty Safe and Effective - the side effects that disappeared (it has enligsh subtitles. The documentary explains the problems with the geneteic mRNA injection technology and the lack of proper safety studies or evaluation being carried out, you will also meet examples of people who were harmed and what kind of adverse-events they have. Please help inform and share this documentary.
One also needs to look into the Swedish medicines paper, Läkemedelsvärlden - they are also pushing a false narrative and their journalists are not reporting on the flaws of the mRNA injection technology. They are just acting as a commercial pressrelease. Previously on Patientmakt about the new push and Läkemedelsvärlden: “In Sweden, state epidemiologist Magnus Gisslén does not seem concerned with what other countries are opening up to. In Sweden it is just business as usual and they want people to have two Covid injections a year, especially the old and vulnerable. The swedish medicines journal, Läkemedelsvärlden, report the following (they are pushing the faulty transmission narrative): “Magnus Gisslén calls for increased vaccination - This spring's vaccination effort for the elderly and risk groups did not produce the desired results. It went so slowly that the Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed roared "Increase the vaccination rate!", which Läkemedelsvärlden reported on. /—-/ But we must remember that we now have a spread of covid-19 throughout the year. It's like other coronaviruses, that you can get a little at any time. That is why it is so important that we protect those at greatest risk of becoming seriously ill and ensure that they receive two doses each year.” Läkemedelsvärlden is on the same despicable level as Swedens largest newspaper Dagens Nyheter about the Covid mRNA injections - they publish commercial pressrelease information not serious journalism.
Why do authorities campaign ineffective, harmful vaccines? (in Swedish)
Safe and Effective - the side effects that disappeared (w. english subtitles)